
Labels are Codice's way to categorize notes. They are no different from tags that you may know from other applications. Each note can have multiple tags and that's about all we can say about labels. Oh, and you can assign colors to your labels so everything becomes clear at the quick glance when you look at the notes.

Label view

Remeber this label area we talked about in previous chapter? You can click on a label to get into label view - only notes with that label will be shown.

You can also go to Labels (top navigation bar) and click any label from there - result will be exactly the same.

Assigning labels

You can assign labels while creating or editing note. Of course you can de-assign them at any time. Quickform described in Basic concepts chapter fully supports label creation. Moreover, when you are in label view (see above), it has preselected currently shown label.

Creating new labels

You can create new labels in two ways. First is using Labels section in top navigation bar, press Add new label and fill in the form. You can also set a color for the label there.

But, what is not obvious, you can also create new labels while creating or editing a note without leaving the page. Labels input provides autocompletion, but if you type in label which does not exist yet and press enter it will assign it anyway. Label will be created once the note is saved.

Adding new label

Adding new label

The only difference to adding labels using dedicated page is the fact that default (grey) color will be assigned to it. You can of course change it later by editing that label.

Editing a label

Editing a label is pretty straightforward. Go to the Labels on the top navigation bar and press Edit button next to an item you are interested in. You can change color and the name of label.

Deleting a label

Just one thing worth noting here: when you have a label unassigned from every note it was previously assigned to (or completely remove those notes), a label is still present in the system - it is not deleted and you can use it any time later.

To remove a label head into Labels on top navigation bar and click Delete button next to it. Removing a label unassigns it from notes, if it has any. Notes will not get deleted.